⤴️ EVO6: New Maps about Product Careers, Stakeholder Management, Product 101 for Startups & Roles in the Product Team
Visual nuggets for you and your Product team.
Hi everyone,
This edition is 100% made of new visual maps. Enjoy 🌿
I’m working on a few new maps these days: Lenny’s Newsletter edition organized by topics, Product Strategy tools, Product Discovery techniques, Product Discovery questions, Product Life by Will Lawrence organized by topics, Knowledge Sharers in the Product Space.
If there’s any of these wip maps that you would prefer seeing sooner rather than later, just reply to this e-mail or reach out on LinkedIn to help me prioritize a bit 🤝
Keep on evolving,
Product Career Map
New map to explore if you want to grow your Product career 🌱🌿🌳
Or help others around you grow.
Product Career Map
🧭 Level 0: Career pathways
💡 Level 1: Pathways + skill areas
🔎 Level 2: Overview skill areas
🪢 Level 3: Deep dive - Product ”hard” skills + People ”soft” skills
See a bit more context in the LinkedIn post.
Explore the browsable Miro board. Thanks to the insightful ideas from Nic Holden, I will continue developing the map to make it easier for people to:
Identify where they are and where to go next
Make sense of which pathways are not fit for them, at least for the moment
Stakeholder Management Stack
Here is the Stakeholder Management Stack that I've open sourced and shared at the latest meetup of the local Product community.
See a bit more context and details in the LinkedIn post.
Explore the browsable Miro board.
Thank you George Diță for co-hosting the meetup and contributing with the Stakeholder Profiles and the Influence-Support Matrix.
Thank you Raluca Piteiu-Apostol for contributing with the Mindful Stakeholder Engagement Canvas.
Product 101 for Startups
This week I'm training and advising the 9 startups in the current StepFWD cohort. I've prepared and used this visual intro to Product Development for startups:
See a bit more context and details in the LinkedIn post.
Thank you Liviu Cadariu and Giorgiana Vlăsceanu for organizing the program.
Roles in the Product Team
While creating the map with all the articles from the Product Life newsletter by Will Lawrence, I enjoyed a particular one so much that I’ve dedicated a map to visualize the ideas in it.
And then started expanding on these ideas:
Thanks for reading the Product Evolution newsletter!
See you again in two weeks. ✌️ If the newsletter was forwarded to you, then:
This newsletter is written by Bülent Duagi,
Sr. Strategic Adviser and Founder of Product Evolution.
Let’s connect on LinkedIn
Product Evolution is a business focusing on helping Product teams level up:
Develop capabilities needed in Product Discovery, Product Strategy, Product Metrics, Product Mindsets, Product Insights and Product Marketing;
Make higher quality Product decisions, faster;
Make better use of the limited resources the Product team has.
Find case studies and more details on: productevolution.eu